A multi-purpose, multi-support detergent usable either for manual or mechanised cleaning. Forms an oily foam, even at low ...
Ready-to-use cleaning / degreasing solution specially formulated for wash stations operating with detergent fluid. Salts out oils and greases. For detergent wash stations. Ready-to-use (wash stations).
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A special washing machine detergent. Possesses high degreasing and deposit removal capacity. Usable cold or hot, by means of ...
Bodywork detergent. A concentrated, self-activating detergent, formulated specifically for washing and cleaning vehicles ...
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IGOL's challenge for tomorrow is to keep on finding the right solutions.
More than ever, preserving manufacturer's guarantees is one of IGOL's priorities. That's why our online recommendations service is available:
More than ever, preserving manufacturer's guarantees is one of IGOL's priorities. That's why our online recommendations service is available: